ArisPro vs. Vertimax: Pros and Cons of the Top Jump Training Machines for Performance Athletes

July 21, 2023
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We hear it every day – athletes like yourself are looking for the best ways to dunk on the competition, clear higher bars, grab rebounds, and deliver game-changing spikes. We know finding the best jump training machine can be overwhelming with so many options out there. That’s why we’re here to break down everything you need to know so you can choose between two top contenders: ArisPro and Vertimax. Both machines claim to be highly effective for jump training, but how do they compare? 

Here’s the TL;DR feature list:

Feature Comparison Chart of ArisPro vs Vertimax (as of July 21st, 2023)

Equipment Overview

Let’s start by taking a look at a few of each machine’s unique features.


If you’re looking for a jump training machine with advanced features and functionality, the ArisPro is your go-to. This sophisticated jump training machine allows athletes to perform a wide variety of drills to increase elevation and power in their vertical and horizontal jumps. Here’s what sets it apart:

  • Digitally Calibrated Resistance: ArisPro utilizes a scientifically proven resistance system that increases athlete power by up to 30% more than traditional methods, engaging them through the full range of movement, including acceleration and deceleration.
  • Wide Range of Drills: With access to a vast library of drills specifically designed to enhance both vertical and horizontal jumps, the ArisPro offers a variety of exercises to help you reach your goals – with or without digital resistance!
  • Personalized Training Programs: One of the standout features of the ArisPro is the ability to generate personalized training plans using ArisIntel, the machine’s proprietary artificial intelligence engine that analyzes your performance data and creates customized workouts to evolve with your progress.
  • Sturdy and Durable Build: The ArisPro is built to withstand intense training and offers exceptional stability and durability, allowing you to push yourself to the limits without worrying about the machine’s performance.


The Vertimax is also a solid choice for jump training that incorporates traditional resistance bands to increase power and explosiveness during jumps and sprints. It is highly effective for both vertical and horizontal jumps, as well as for speed and agility training. Here are a couple of its key features: 

  • Multi-Directional Training: The Vertimax is designed to provide multi-directional resistance, allowing athletes to train for movements in all planes. This feature enhances overall athleticism and improves performance in sports that require quick changes in direction.
  • Reactive Training: The Vertimax incorporates reactive training capabilities, which means the resistance bands respond to the athlete’s movements in real-time. This reactive feedback helps develop fast-twitch muscle fibers, enhancing explosiveness and reactive power.

ArisPro vs. Vertimax Jump Machine

When comparing the ArisPro and the Vertimax, it’s important to note that both machines offer incredible benefits for jump training. Let’s take a closer look:

Design & Build Quality

One of the most critical factors to consider when choosing a jump training machine is the design and build quality. Here’s what to know:

ArisPro with the included ArisPlatform


The ArisPro is expertly crafted with attention to detail and a focus on durability. Its universal mount allows for seamless integration with various devices and accessories, ensuring versatility and compatibility. Additionally, the ArisPro’s twill-covered cable can handle up to 600 pounds of max force, giving you the confidence to push your limits.

Vertimax V8 Platform


The Vertimax also boasts a solid build, with high-quality resistance bands and a stable platform. However, some users have noted that the bands can wear out over time and need to be replaced. This potential maintenance factor should be considered when making a decision.

Functionality and Features

Both machines offer unique features to enhance your jump training experience:

ArisPro Features

The ArisPro is loaded with features specifically designed to maximize your jump training experience:

  • Real-Time Feedback: The ArisPro provides immediate feedback after the training session on your performance metrics, allowing you to make adjustments and refine your technique in real-time.
  • Progress Tracking: With the ArisPro, you can easily track your progress over time. By monitoring key variables such as jump height, power, velocity, and speed, you can clearly visualize your improvements and stay motivated.
  • Versatile Training Modes: The ArisPro offers a wide range of training modes, including resisted and assisted jumps, reactive agility drills, and speed training exercises. This versatility ensures that you can target different aspects of your athleticism and continuously challenge yourself.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The ArisPro features an intuitive interface that makes it easy to navigate through the various training programs and settings. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or just starting on your jump training journey, the ArisPro’s user-friendly design ensures a smooth experience.

Vertimax Features

The Vertimax offers a variety of great features to help athletes improve their performance. These include a dynamic training zone to help with deceleration, various resistance levels to customize workouts, and an app to track progress and provide coaching feedback.

The Vertimax also provides notable features that can enhance your jump training:

  • Performance Zone: The Vertimax’s performance zone focuses on deceleration, helping you develop better control and explosiveness during landing and direction changes.
  • Customizable Resistance Levels: With various resistance levels, the Vertimax allows you to adjust the intensity of your workouts. This flexibility ensures that you can tailor your training to your current fitness level and gradually increase the challenge.

Training Effectiveness

When it comes to vertical jump training, both machines can help you achieve significant gains in power and explosiveness, but the ArisPro’s ability to generate personalized training plans based on your individual performance data may give it a slight advantage.

ArisPro for Vertical Jump Training

The ArisPro has been scientifically proven to increase athlete power by up to 30% more than traditional resistance, making it a highly effective tool for vertical jump training. Its digitally calibrated programs and personalized training plans enable you to optimize your workouts and achieve significant gains in power and explosiveness. By leveraging the ArisPro’s precise measurements and data analysis, athletes can fine-tune their training to unlock their full potential.

Vertimax for Vertical Jump Training

The Vertimax is also highly effective for vertical jump training, with its specialized resistance bands providing a unique and effective way to increase power and explosiveness during jumps.


When considering the investment in a jump training machine, it’s essential to factor in the pricing of both options.

Cost of ArisPro

The upfront investment for the ArisPro is $4,500 while Aris offers a subscription-based model, with monthly pricing starting at $35 for members training at home and $99 for athletes at training facilities. While the subscription cost may add up over time, the benefits of personalized training programs via AI, as compared to needing to build your own program, along with advanced features make the ArisPro a valuable long-term investment for serious athletes.

Cost of Vertimax

Depending on the model, Vertimax can have a lower upfront cost, with the lower models starting around $3,795 and ranging up to $4,895. While these initial costs may seem steep, the Vertimax is designed for commercial use and can accommodate multiple users and teams. Both machines are designed for elite athletic growth.

Bottom Line – Vertical Jump Training with the ArisPro

In conclusion, both the ArisPro and the Vertimax Jump Machine are excellent options for athletes and offer tremendous benefits for your jump training. The ArisPro’s digitally calibrated programs, digital resistance, and personalized training plans make it easy to track progress and adjust workouts, while the Vertimax’s resistance bands provide a unique and effective way to increase power and explosiveness during jumps. However, the ArisPro, with its state-of-the-art features can give you an extra edge. Ultimately, the choice between the two will depend on the athlete’s individual needs and budget.

Remember, investing in your athletic performance is an investment in yourself. Whichever jump training machine you choose, dedication, consistency, and proper technique are the keys to unlocking your full potential. So get out there, train hard, and embrace the journey towards reaching new heights in your vertical jump!
